What makes us an all-round Outdoor Cinema Supplier?
Organising an outdoor cinema can be overwhelming and confusing for some venues. Many suppliers will rock up with a basic kit and leave it at that.
When it comes to our outdoor cinema hire kit, we pride ourselves on being one step ahead of our competitors as an outdoor cinema hire company. We do this by ensuring we have the very latest technology to offer and evolve within this ever-changing industry that is outdoor cinema.

Movies you might not know were based on Shakespeare
Of course, Shakespeare is renowned as one of Britain’s finest minds; many of his plays are still treading the boards around the world today. But did you know that so many movies take inspiration from his famous stories? Here we look at a few classics, all favourites for the outdoor cinema, that have undergone a modern makeover.

A new awakening for the Drive-In!
The year of 2020 saw many changes to our lives, but the resurgence of drive in cinemas was something nobody expected!
Covid19 saw devoted cinemagoers without access to their favourite pastime as the country shut down to control the virus. As the pandemic locked us down, and our social lives were restricted, the drive-in was reborn! Families across the UK took to their cars, tuned in their radios and enjoyed a movie on a big screen in the safety of their family ‘bubble.’
Despite the country opening back up and restrictions lifted, drive-in cinemas are still growing in popularity for all manner of social events. Families, couples, individuals and groups are heading to outdoor drive in cinema events across the country. The idea seems popular for birthdays and hen or stag parties as well!
Simply book your tickets, park up, and tune your car radio. All there is left to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy some movies!